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ATG Search troubleshooting tips

In this blog, I have listed some basic ATG Search troubleshooting tips in some general scenarios.

1. If the index did not deploy, consider the following possible causes :
  • Is the DeployShare property configured @ /atg/search/routing/LaunchingService component ? 
  • Is enough space available @ deployment share box for the index ? 
  • Are the RMI ports configured correctly in the RoutingSystemService component ? 
  • If the search engine application is running in a separate box, this application is invoked through a RemoteLauncher running in these boxes. Check whether these RemoteLaunchers are running in these boxes ?
2. If you have trouble in launching one or more search engines, try the following remedies:
  • If the Search engine is standalone, set the /atg/search/routing/LaunchingService component’s engineDir property to the absolute path of the Search engine directory. 
3. Search unavailable in the estore page, even when the SearchEngine is in "Running" status.

        This may occur sometimes, when the eStore-AppServer 's SearchEngineService component is pointing to the old port, different from what the engine is actually pointing as mentioned in the searchServer's SearchEngineService component. This occurs when indexing is triggered and when searchIndexing gets completed, the searchEngine port gets a new value. Inorder to resolve this, either restart this SearchEngineService component of the estore server. If its still not pointing to the right port, then restart the eStore AppServer.

4. Following are the steps to enable the different logging for troubleshooting :
  • Set the LaunchingService component’s loggingDebug property to true and look at the Launching debugging line.
  • Go to /atg/search/routing/SearchEngineService/ and change the loggingAllRequests property value to true to log all requests made to the Search engine. 
  • Go to /atg/search/routing/LaunchingService and change the engineLogLevel property value to D to enable debug logging. This will log all requests and takes effect upon the next engine restart. 
 5. In case of failure in indexing, check the following logs
  • JBoss server logs - <JBOSS_HOME>\server\atg\logs\server.log
  • Dumping request logs Folder - <ATG_HOME>\logs\searchEngineActivity\*.xml (request and response xmls). These logs will provide what was the request send to search engine in xml form and what was the response from engine for a query.
  • Search engine logs - <ATG_HOME>\Search2007.1\SearchEngine\i686-win32-vc71\bin. This can also be used for checking the indexing failing in the engine level.  


  1. Hi Sony, I am facing one scenario where one of the index file which is in being used by answer servers got deleted due to which search indexing is failing with message "swap failed". Do you have any idea about this.

  2. You have only one search index file or have a other old index files @ history ? .

    If you have old index files @ history, just try to deploy some historical index files and after that do fresh search indexing.

    Let me know whether this works... :-)

  3. Hi Sony,

    I am facing an issue with ATG search where some of the orders are not searchable with property "status".

    Can you please help?


  4. You are using the search for CSC ?
    You configured order status as a text-property @ product catalog output config file ?

  5. Hi sony,

    II configuring csc search.For order I m able to setup search.and getting search results but for profile I m not able to see the indexed file I'm deploy share although m pointing correct path.


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