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ATG deprecated code (till ATG 10)

ATG  Deprecated Code (till ATG 10)

Technology Deprecated as of Notes
ACC Reporting functionality ATG 2007.2, 9.2, 10.0.1
Oracle WebLogic and IBM WebSphere JMS Providers ATG 10.0 This includes the WebLogic.JMSProvider and WebSphere.JMSProvider modules
Support for CA deployment to prior versions ATG 10.0 CA will only support deployments to the same version
Standard Commerce Catalogs ATG 10.0 Standard Catalogs are deprecated in favor of Custom Catalogs
Pioneer Cycling Reference Application ATG 10.0 Replaced by Commerce Reference Store application
Cache Switch Hot (cacheSwitchHot) ATG 10.0
.NET Client Software ATG 10.0
Facet Droplets ATG 9.0 The FacetSearchDroplet is deprecated in favor of  using the to issue faceted search  queries. As of ATG 10.0, the FacetSearchDroplet will be removed entirely and any use of this droplet must be updated to use QueryFormHandler instead. Note that  the FacetTrailDroplet has not been deprecated and is still used to construct  facet trails.
Response Management ATG 2007.1 All versions of Response Management have reached End-of-Life status on November 1, 2009. As of ATG 10.0, all Response Management code will have been removed from the ATG products.
Relational Views ATG 6.0 Relational Views are deprecated in favor of ATG Repositories.
HTML and XML Repositories ATG 6.0 Deprecated in favor of SQL/File System Connector (SQL Content Repository with Content Repository Loader)


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