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Showing posts from April, 2012

JBoss - know more about the JBoss directory structure

Fundamentally, the JBoss architecture consists of the JMX MBean server, the microkernel, and a set of pluggable component services - the MBeans. The JBoss Application Server ships with three different server configurations. Within the <JBoss_Home>/server directory, you will find three subdirectories: minimal, default and all. The default configuration is the one used if you don’t specify another one when starting up the server. If you want to know which services are configured in each of these instances, look at the jboss-service.xml file in the <JBoss_Home>/server/<instance-name>/conf/ directory and also the configuration files in the <JBoss_Home>/server/<instance-name>/deploy directory. JBoss 4.0 features an embedded Apache Tomcat 5.5 servlet container. conf --> The conf directory contains the jboss-service.xml bootstrap descriptor file for a given server configuration. This has the jboss-log4j.xml file which configures the Apache log4j framew

ATG CA - different activity sources used @ BCC

Read about how a new link can be added in BCC home page @ Normally an file define the set of actions that it supports under a genericActivityDefinitionFile. But some  define the actions  using the workflowActivityDefinitionFiles. For example consider the default "Content Administration" ,  "SearchAdministration",  " Merchanding "  and "Personalization" options in BCC homepage. Below I listed the and other properties for these links. To get all these activitysource names, just take the / atg/bizui/activity/ActivityManager  component @ dyn/admin. Content Administration ActivitySource  --> /atg/bizui/activity/PublishingActivitySource genericActivityDefinitionFile Search Administration ActivitySource  --> /atg/bizui/activity/SearchingActivitySource genericActivit

ATG Search - high level overview of product-catalog-output-config.xml and XHTMLs

The definition file format begins with a top-level item element that specifies the repository and item descriptor to use, and then lists the properties of that item type to include. The top-level item element has the is-document attribute set to true. This attribute specifies that an XHTML document should be generated for each item of that type (in this case, each user item). Property values that come from standard JavaBean properties of the RepositoryItem object (rather than dynamic bean properties) are specified using a dollar-sign ($) prefix. The item element has an is-multi attribute for specifying multi-value properties. If a property is an Array, Collection or Map  you should set this attribute to true. Eeach ATG Search document is uniquely identified by a URL (typically the path name of the file on the file system). In the XHTML documents that the ATG platform generates from repository items, meta properties are represented by meta tags in the head of the document, while t

ATG Search - how to configure multiple language search

Here I am going to explain the steps involved in configuring the multi-language ATG Search if your site support multiple language. I have given the different steps in indexing and search flows. Indexing flow : You could configure different search projects for different locales to support parallel search indexing for each locale. You could setup search environment for the search projects so that the indexing host is different for the two projects. Configure the LocaleVariantProducer @ ProductCatalogOutputConfig to specify the locale for the new language. Include the language dictionaries you need in Search Admin on the Search Projects which can be used for indexing and searching in multiple languages. Specify the locales @ \atg\search\config\LanguageDimensionService so that you could configure the search configurations for each language. When you create the search configuration tree, specify the "Contents vary by" as Language, to configure the search configurations li