The comminucation between the Commerce box and the Search engine is through SOAP. Read more about this architecture @ The commerce instance forms the SOAP url just like the below code: private URL getSearchEngineURL(SearchEngine engine) { SearchEnvironmentHost h = engine.getSearchEnvironmentHost(); SearchMachine hi = h.getSearchMachine() ; return new URL( "http://" + hi.getHostname() + ":" + engine.getPort() + "/AEXmlService/" ); } So the commerce instance need the hi.getHostname() and engine.getPort() to form the url. It is obtained as below: 1. The component / atg/commerce/search/refinement/ CommerceFacetSearchService has the siteName defined, which will be pointing to the environment name defined in the Search Project. Read more about this search project setup @
To share my ideas and knowledge with you : Java, Spring, ATG, Endeca, Solr, Cassandra, Kafka, Jboss, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Windows, MacOs, Tax tips