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Search Facets - how to create a new search facets in ATG Search

A Facet is a search refinement element that corresponds to a property of a commerce item type. ATG supports the search result refinement using the Faceted Search concept. Read more about facted search @

Facet can either be ranges or specific values. Each facet is stored in the RefinementRepository as a separate refineElement repository item.

Facets are divided into Global and Local facets. Global facets apply to all the categories and local facets only to the category in which they are created. For example Price/Brand can be considered as the facets that are common for all skus and New Release/Coming Soon can be considered as the facets that are specific to Physical Media products like Vidoe/DVD/Blue-ray/Books.

We can use the ATG BCC - Merchandising UI to create facets. The Faceting Property depends on the meta-properties defined in the \atg\commerce\search\product-catalog-output-config.xml ( the definitionFile of the \atg\commerce\search\ProductCatalogOutputConfig).

Below I am listing the different steps to create a new Facet :

1. Log-in to the  ATG BCC - Merchandising UI and select the Facet in the Merchandising Browse tab drop down.

2. If you want to create a Global Facet,  select the global facet folder. If it is a local facet, select the category/department against which you want to add the facet and click the create new Facet button.

3. In the Faceting Property, select the property against which you want to add the new Facet.These properties listed depends on the meta-properties defined in the \atg\commerce\search\product-catalog-output-config.xml. 

4. Specify the property name and also define the selection type.

5. Sometimes you might need to specify a defined range of values for the Facets. For example if the products have some user ratings, then the value might be a range between 1-5. 

6. Now you could select the sorting options.

7. If you want to exclude some values from the Facet, you could specify that too and click on the Save button to finish the facet creation.


  1. Hi Sony,

    Is it possible to Create facets for unstructured content.
    For example i have content files(like PDFs,doc) in different folders like this
    |_ _ FAQs
    |_ _ Podcast
    |_ _ Technical Guide

    when i search a keyword iphone and search result page i want show FAQs,Podcast and Tech guide facets.
    |_ _ FAQs(1)
    |_ _ Podcast
    |_ _ Technical Guide(2)

    Advance thanks

  2. Sorry. I haven't tried the unstructured content. The question will be how we specify the facet mapping. Normally, the relational database specify the different facet relation ship. Its better to have a query @ ATG Oracle support forum.

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