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ATG Search - how the search rules are deployed as refinement config xmls during search indexing

The rules that make up the search configurations are created in ATG Merchandising and stored as repository items in the RefinementRepository. When the product catalog is deployed from the ATG Merchandising environment to the target site, the RefinementRepository is deployed as well.

For the soap call from the commerce instance to the search engine, for text queries we normally use refineConfig=”map” and the search engine itself determines the right refine config for the query.

When Search Administration initiates indexing of the product catalog, it also invokes the /atg/commerce/search/config/CatalogRankConfigAdapter component. This component is a customization adapter that manages the process of generating the search configuration files and submitting them to ATG Search.

To generate the search configuration files, CatalogRankConfigAdapter invokes the /atg/search/repository/SearchConfigurationXMLGenerator component (of class This component is responsible for transforming the repository items into the XML files that represents rule sets in ATG Search.

SearchConfigurationXMLGenerator calls various other components that parse the rules in the RefinementRepository and generate XML representations of those rules. These are known an the refinement  config xmls. You could find below a sample refinement config xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--This refinement configuration was automatically generated by /atg/commerce/search/refinement/RefinementConfigurationXMLGenerator at May 20, 2011 8:58:19 AM--><refineConfig name="categorycat171770058" specificity="4"><mapping>cat4880034</mapping><mapping>cat171770066:catalog10001</mapping><refineElement exclude="" filter="1" id="20008" label="Brand" order="" property="childSKUs.brandName" range="false" select="" sort="count" type="string"/><refineElement exclude="" filter="1" id="35002" label="Age" order="" property="childSKUs.Age" range="false" select="" sort="count" type="string"/><refineElement exclude="" filter="1" id="20018" label="Sub-category" order="" property="sub-category.$repositoryId" range="false" select="" sort="count" type="string"/></refineConfig>


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