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Good features of Eclipse 3.6 (Eclipse Helios) JDT

Read the Eclipse Galileo features @

New options in Open Resource dialog :
The Open Resource dialog supports three new features:
• Path patterns: If the pattern contains a /, the part before the last / is used to match a path in the workspace:

• Relative paths: For example, "./T" matches all files starting with T in the folder of the active editor or selection:

• Closer items on top: If the pattern matches many files with the same name, the files that are closer to the currently edited or selected resource are shown on top of the matching items list.

MarketPlace : 
Searching and adding new plugins for Eclipse have always been a challenge. The Eclipse Marketplace makes this much easier – it allows you to not only search a central location of all Eclipse plugins, but also allows you to find the most recent and the most popular plugins.

Fix multiple problems via problem hover:
    The problem hover now shows quick fix links that fix multiple instances of a problem in a file. The new links behave the same as pressing Ctrl+Enter in the Quick Fix proposal list (Ctrl+1) :

Dynamic path variables:
Linked resources can define their locations relative to user-defined path variables. Now, a set of predefined path variables are available:
PROJECT_LOC - pointing out the project location
WORKSPACE_LOC - pointing out the workspace location
When these variables are used, they are dynamically resolved based on the context of a linked resource. Those predefined variables may be also used to build user-defined variables.

Progress shown in platform task bar:  
Progress for long running operations is now shown in the platform task bar on platforms that support this feature. Progress is shown for long running tasks such as workbench startup, install, update, and repository synchronization.

Quick Access now shows keybindings for commands:
Quick Access (Ctrl+3) now shows keybindings for commands so you can save yourself from all that typing and just use the keyboard shortcut the next time you need to run a command.

Local History pruning can be disabled:
The local history size constraints can now be disabled. Users that never want to discard history no longer need to wait on shutdown for history cleanup to occur. To disable history cleaning, go to  Preferences > General > Workspace > Local History and disable Limit history size. Note that when this option is chosen, disk usage for the workspace local history will continue to grow indefinitely.

New 'Java Code Style Preferences' category when importing or exporting preferences:
When importing or exporting preferences, a new category is available that allows you to control whether Java code style preferences are imported or exported:

Call hierarchy view:
Helios lets you go through each caller one by one, and provides you a way to remove all those unnecessary calls from the call hierarchy view so that you can focus on those which concern you. Related to this, previously the extraction of type hierarchy information would cause the Eclipse to freeze in large projects. The recent version extracts type hierarchies in background leaving you to continue your work.

Control the formatting in code sections:
This preference allows you to define one tag to disable and one tag to enable the formatter (see the Off/On Tags tab in your formatter profile): Here is an example of formatted code which is using code sections with the tags defined as shown above:

Report missing @Override for method implementations in 1.6 mode:
The compiler now reports about missing @Override annotation in the case where a method implements a method from an interface:

@SuppressWarnings for optional errors:
The @SuppressWarnings annotation can now also suppress optional compile errors. In the below example, "value of local variable is not used" has been set to Error:

Compiler detects unused object allocation:
The Java compiler can now detect unused object allocations.This detection is disabled by default and can be enabled on the  Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings preference page at the end of the Potential programming problems section:

Package name abbreviations:
Package names in Java views can now be abbreviated with custom rules.The abbreviation rules can be configured on the  Java > Appearance preference page. For example, the following rules produce the rendering shown below:

Type Hierarchy computed in background:
The Type Hierarchy is now computed in an operation that can be sent to the background (or always runs in the background, depending on your settings). Your workbench is no longer blocked while a big hierarchy is computed:

Debug Variable Instance counts:
The Variables view provides a new column displaying the number of instances corresponding to the concrete type of each variable. To display the column, select Layout > Select Columns... from the view's menu, and then select Instance Count from the Select Columns dialog. Note that instance counts are only available debugging on JavaSE-1.6 (or newer) and are not applicable to primitive types.

Java breakpoint detail:
The Java breakpoint detail panes now display all properties in a single pane. So the property editing can be done from the same dialog box:

Edit test method in JUnit launch configuration:
In JUnit launch configurations, you can now edit the test method. In JUnit launch configurations, you can now edit the test method.


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