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ATG Search - how estore(commerce instance) forms the search engine SOAP URL ?

The comminucation between the Commerce box and the Search engine is through SOAP. Read  more about this architecture @

The commerce instance forms the SOAP url just like the below code:

private URL getSearchEngineURL(SearchEngine engine) {
      SearchEnvironmentHost h =  engine.getSearchEnvironmentHost();
      SearchMachine hi = h.getSearchMachine() ;
      return new URL("http://" + hi.getHostname() + ":" + engine.getPort() + "/AEXmlService/");

So the commerce instance need the hi.getHostname()  and engine.getPort() to form the url. It is obtained as below:

1. The component /atg/commerce/search/refinement/CommerceFacetSearchService has the siteName defined, which will be pointing to the environment name defined in the Search Project. Read  more about this search project setup @


2. By using the above siteName, the commerce instance will obtain the search enigne hostbox name just like the below query :

       select * from rout_host_inf  where id =( select host_info_id from rout_host where parent_env_id = ( select id from rout_env where env_name = 'SearchProjectLocal' ) )   --> The hi.getHostname() got from here

3. By using the above siteName, the commerce instance will obtain the search enigne hostbox name just like the below query :

      select * from rout_engine where host_id = (select id from rout_host where parent_env_id = (select id from rout_env where env_name = 'SearchProjectLocal')) --> The engine.getPort() got from here

Read how to make the SOAP call to search engine using SOAP UI  @


  1. How does the engine information get populated in the SearchConfigurationRepository for a remote store instance ?

  2. Both the remote store and CA ( content administrator or search administrator or ATG-BCC ) will point to the same SearchConfigurationRepository. So when the Search Project get created @ Search administrator, it will get reflected @ SearchConfigurationRepository with the new search engine information and if a new indexing happens, that information also get updated @ SearchConfigurationRepository.

  3. How do you delete a search project without using the UI?

  4. You need to remove the project from srch_project table and its ref. and child tables.

    The following set of queries might help you. Make sure that you use it wisely. :-)

    --To delete a search project that is not created correctly:

    select * from ROUT_INDEX order by est_start desc
    delete from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null

    select * from rout_dep_hist where time_ended is null
    delete from rout_dep_hist where time_ended is null

    select * from rout_log_part where parent_index in ( select id from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null)
    delete from rout_log_part where parent_index in ( select id from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null)

    select * from rout_phys_part_m where log_part_id in ( select id from rout_log_part where parent_index in ( select id from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null))
    delete from rout_phys_part_m where log_part_id in ( select id from rout_log_part where parent_index in ( select id from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null))

    select * from rout_idx_log_parts where parent_index in ( select id from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null)
    delete from rout_idx_log_parts where parent_index in ( select id from ROUT_INDEX where est_start is null)

    select * from srch_sync_task where srch_project_id = '1900001'
    delete from srch_sync_task where srch_project_id = '1900001'

    select * from srch_env_p_m where srch_project_id = '1900001'
    delete from srch_env_p_m where srch_project_id = '1900001'

    select * from srch_sync_task_def where srch_project_id = '1900001'
    delete from srch_sync_task_def where srch_project_id = '1900001'

    select * from srch_css_id_to_targ_ids where srch_project_id = '1900001'
    delete from srch_css_id_to_targ_ids where srch_project_id = '1900001'

    select * from srch_project where id = '1900001'
    delete from srch_project where id = '1900001'

    select * from srch_project_custom_ds
    delete from srch_project_custom_ds where srch_project_id = '1900001'

    select * from srch_project_custom_dsm
    delete from srch_project_custom_dsm where srch_project_id = '1900001'

    select * from rout_host
    delete from rout_host

    select * from rout_env
    delete from rout_env

    -- To delete and invalid search index to clean up:

    select * from rout_dep_hist where new_index = 2100001
    delete from rout_dep_hist where new_index = 2100001

    select * from rout_idx_log_parts where parent_index =2100001
    delete from rout_idx_log_parts where parent_index =2100001

    select * from rout_phys_part_m where phys_part_id =2100001
    delete from rout_phys_part_m where phys_part_id =2100001

    select * from rout_log_part where parent_index = 2100001
    DELETE from rout_log_part where parent_index = 2100001

    select * from rout_part where id =2100001
    delete from rout_part where id =2100001

    select * from rout_index where id =2100001
    delete from rout_index where id =2100001


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