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Useful windows shortcut keys

Following are the most useful set of windows shortcut keys that I would like to share with you.

run commands
  1. calc        -->  Calculator 
  2. mspaint   -->  To get Paint
  3. textpad   -->  To get Textpad if installed
  4. cmd        -->  Opens a new Command Window (cmd.exe) 
  5. control    -->  Displays Control Panel 
  6. msconfig   -->  Configuration to edit startup files 
  7. compmgmt.msc  -->  Computer management 
  8. fsmgmt.msc      -->  Folder Sharing Management 
  9. services.msc     -->   System Services 
  10. appwiz.cpl  --> Add/Remove Programs 
  11. ncpa.cpl     -->  Network Connections 
  12. %userprofile%  -->  Opens you User's Profile 
  13. %temp%  -->  Opens temporary file Folder 
  14. temp        -->  Opens another temporary file Folder 
cmd commands
  1. hostname   -->  Returns Computer's name 
  2. ipconfig /all   -->  Shows detailed information for all all network adapters
  3. netstat -a   -->  Displays all active network connections with port
  4. netstat -b   -->  Displays the executables and port numbers, involved in creating each connection like iexplore.exe , chrome.exe , OUTLOOK.EXE, ...
  5. systeminfo  -->  Displays various system information like OS, Processor, System Up Time, Original Install Date, BIOS Version, Physical Memory , ...
microsoft natural keyboard shortcuts
  1. Windows Logo + BREAK -->  Display the System Properties dialog box
  2. Windows Logo + D  -->  Display the desktop
  3. Windows Logo + M  --> Minimize all of the windows
  4. Windows Logo + SHIFT + M  -->  Restore the minimized windows
  5. Windows Logo + E  -->  Open My Computer
  6. Windows Logo + F  -->  Search for a file or a folder
  7. Windows Logo + L  -->  Lock the keyboard
  8. Windows Logo + R  -->  Open the Run dialog box
general keyboard shortcuts
  1. NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) in Windows Explorer   -->  Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder
  2. SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive   -->  Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing 
  3. F2 key  -->   Rename the selected item
  4. F6 key  -->   Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop
  5. SHIFT+F10   -->  Display the shortcut menu for the selected item


  1. Sony, this blog will be really helpful for my work. Lot i learn't which i doesn't know. Keep posting :)


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