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ATG search installation and search engine log files

Here I would like to explain how your ATG search folder structure looks like after you do the ATG search installation and also about the search engine log files.

To get the ATG search, you need to install the ATGSearch<version>Windows.exe after you do the ATG installation. When you install ATG search, the generated folders include an OS dependant folder. In the below screen shot, you could see the "i686-win32-vc71" folder and this is generated since the ATG search ins installed in a windows machine.

The ATG search engine is actually an exe file inside this "i686-win32-vc71" folder. Below screen shot give you an idea about the "atgsearch.exe", which is the search engine application. This search engine application (atgsearch.exe) is started by a remote launcher call from the BCC search administration UI. 

The log files like "atgsearch_20120106112413_568.log" are the search engine log files where you could see the engine logs like the index file used by the search engine,enigne load ,enigne throughput and query response time,.. You could enable the debug logging for the search engine to find the different request processing by the engine including the ip address of the requesting host. Also the search engine start and end time can be obtained from this log.

The engine log will show slow request based on the <SlowRequestThreshold> parameter in the AEConfig.xml, like <SlowRequestThreshold>5000</SlowRequestThreshold>. If you set engineLogLevel to D in launchingService component, you will be able to see the ip address of  of the requesting host.

                 engineLogLevel = D

Example of the search engine log with requesting host ip:
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : DEBUG : Server : 0 : Accept socket 12068 at port 4790 from IP
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : DEBUG : Server : 0 : AEXmlWorker::Shutdown
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : INFO : Server : 0 : Shutdown received
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : DEBUG : Server : 0 : Accept socket 12068 at port 4791 from IP
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : INFO : Server : 0 : Waiting for pending requests to complete.
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : INFO : Server : 0 : Exiting engine
2011/03/22 11:12:59 : INFO : Server : 0 : Scheduled shutdown.

Consider the following search engine log :

2011/03/11 09:36:35 : INFO : Server : 0 : load: 0.6875 throughput: 1.72804 q/s time: 6.60434 s

Load  of .6 means that 60% of the search engine thread are active. Throughput is the number of requests that the engine is able to server per second. Time is the average response time.

So load is specified as percentage and 0.6875 is roughly 69 percent of load, where as anything greater then 1 would suggest the search engine is overburden. Throughput is telling us how many requests the engines can handle across all the cores of the engine hosted box. So throughput is kind of like saying how many request can be placed into the bucket. But it doesn't say how fast the objects in the bucket are moving.


  1. Hi,

    I have a problem with Service Center's search engines, ATGOrder and ATGProfile. Both has a scheduled shutdown at midday and midnight causing searches and live indexing to stop. How can I turn the scheduled shutdown off?

    Thanks in advance and good blog!

  2. you mean search engine for atgorder or for atgcatalogue ? U mean at midnight ur search engine s are going down ? Any scheduled search indexing is configured for the search engine ?


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