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ATG Product Catalog schema ER diagram

Check out the O rder schema ER-Diagram @ Check out the User Profile  schema ER-Diagram @ If you would like to know the relationship between different Product Catalog tables, please find below screen shots of  Product Catalog schema ER Diagrams.

ATG - how to use the Transaction Manager

Basic concepts of Java transaction In its simplest definition, a transaction is a set of actions that is treated as an atomic unit; either all actions take place (the transaction commits), or none of them take place (the transaction rolls back). Managing transactions is one of the primary tasks of an application server. The application server keeps track of transactions, remembering which transaction is associated with which request, and what transactional resources (such as JDBC or JMS connection) are involved. Each active transaction is represented by a transaction object, which implements the interface javax.transaction.Transaction. A transaction is usually associated with a thread and only one transaction can be associated with a thread at any one time. A central service, called the Transaction Manager, is responsible for keeping track of all these transactions. The Transaction Manager is implemented through the Java Transaction API (JTA). Transaction and Dynamo application

SSL configuration in JBoss

To configure an SSL port with keystore , check the following steps: 1. Generate the keystore with the following command ( using the java keytool command) keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore NAME_OF_KEYSTORE -validity NUMBER_OF_DAYS ( For more details check the url ) 2. Copy the file into the jboss/server/<NAME>/conf/ directory 3. Edit the server.xml in the following path JBoss version 4.0.4 = jboss/server/<NAME>/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/ JBoss version 4.2.2 = jboss/server/<NAME>/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/ 4. For JBOSS 4.0.4 the SSL-connector should be configured like: <!– SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore     –> <Connector port=”THE_PORT_YOU_LIKE” address=”${jboss.bind.address}” maxThreads=”100? strategy=”ms” maxHttpHeaderSize=”8192? emptySessionPath=”true” scheme=”https” secure=”true” clientAuth=”false” keystore

Search Facets - how to create a new search facets in ATG Search

A Facet is a search refinement element that corresponds to a property of a commerce item type. ATG supports the search result refinement using the Faceted Search concept. Read more about facted search @ . Facet can either be ranges or specific values. Each facet is stored in the RefinementRepository as a separate refineElement repository item. Facets are divided into Global and Local facets. Global facets apply to all the categories and local facets only to the category in which they are created. For example Price/Brand can be considered as the facets that are common for all skus and New Release/Coming Soon can be considered as the facets that are specific to Physical Media products like Vidoe/DVD/Blue-ray/Books. We can use the ATG BCC - Merchandising UI to create facets. The Faceting Property depends on the meta-properties defined in the \atg\commerce\search\product-catalog-output-config.xml ( the definitionFile of the \atg\commerce\s

Eclipse plug-in to create Class and Sequence diagrams

ModelGoon is an Eclipse plug-in avaiable for UML diagram generation from Java code. It can be used to generate Package Dependencies Diagram, Class Diagram, Interaction Diagram and Sequence Diagram. You coud get it from Read more about it and see some vedios about how to create the class and sequence diagram @ Find some snapshots below which gives an idea about the diagram generation.