In this blog I would like to explain the basic set of configuration/design decisions needed to setup an ATG search project. Most of these design decisions are common for all Enterprise search applications. 1. Decide the searchable properties : This means the properties that the business want the user to search in the ecommerce platform. In ATG search these are configured as the text properties in the product-catalog-output-config.xml ( the definitionFile of the \atg\commerce\search\ProductCatalogOutputConfig). Usually the displayName of product/sku, displayName of department/category/sub-category, skuId, brandName are the properties configured as searchable. 2. Decide the search refinement properties or the faceted properties : After a user search for a keyword, search refinement is the next step done to filter his results. ATG supports the search refinement using the Faceted Search concept. Read more about facted search @...
To share my ideas and knowledge with you : Java, Spring, ATG, Endeca, Solr, Cassandra, Kafka, Jboss, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Windows, MacOs, Tax tips
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