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Eclipse Indigo - good features of Eclipse3.7 ( Eclipse Indigo ) JDT/Workbench

Lightweight refresh on access

Previous Eclipse versions relied on native refresh providers (on Windows) or a polling mechanism to keep the workspace synchronized with the underlying file system. This capability can be still enabled by selecting Refresh using native hooks or polling on  Preferences > General > Workspace.
Now a new lightweight mechanism is available. Files discovered to be out-of-sync by the workspace, for example while accessing the file content by an editor, will be automatically asynchronously refreshed. If you want to refresh files this way, go to  Preferences > General > Workspace and select Refresh on access.

The Problems view icon shows state

The Problems view icon now indicates whether the view contains warnings or errors. This is especially useful when working with maximized editor area as it allows you to see whether there are errors or warnings without going to the Problems view.

Branch column in History view

There is now a column showing branches in the History view when using CVS.

Compare editor shows author on left side

The compare editors @ CVS now also show the author on the left side.

Undo support for breakpoints

If you accidentally removed a breakpoint from the editor's vertical ruler or the Breakpoints view, you can now get it back using the standard undo functionality - Edit > Undo Delete Breakpoint (Ctrl+Z) - in the Breakpoints view or any other view that works against the global undo history.

Open Super Implementation

The action from the Navigate menu is now also available as a hyperlink. It is enabled for overridden methods and opens the super implementation of the selected method.

Open Declared Type and Open Return Type

This link is enabled for local variables and fields. When invoked, it opens the declared type of the variable in an editor.

Join variable declaration" quick assist for variables initialized to null

The Join variable declaration quick assist is now also available for variables initialized to null.

New 'Put expression in parentheses' quick assist

The Java editor now offers a new quick assist Put expression in parentheses.

Semantic coloring for abstract classes

Abstract classes can now be highlighted separately in the source code @ Java- Editor - Synatax Coloring

Quick Outline shows inherited members for nested type

The Quick Outline shows inherited members of top-level types when Ctrl+O is pressed twice. Now, it also shows inherited members of the type that contains the current editor selection.

Navigate to 'break' and 'continue' target

To quickly navigate to the target of a break or continue statement, you can now Ctrl+click or use Open Declaration (F3) on break or continue keywords or their labels.

JDT Unavoidable generic type problems

It is really annoying to see warnings for things you cannot not change. A new compiler option has been added that suppresses unavoidable generic type problems.

Read more @


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