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Google Chrome shortcut keys

If you are a Google Chromey guy, please find below the list of shortcut keys for some of the most used features  :-) Find more shortcut keys @

Tax Credit Statement ( Form 26AS )

Read more about Tax filing @  . Form 26AS is a consolidated tax statement issued under Rule 31 AB of Income Tax Rules to PAN holders. This statement, with respect to a financial year, will include details of: Tax deducted at source (TDS). Tax collected at source (TCS). Advance tax/self assessment tax/regular assessment tax etc., deposited in the bank by the taxpayers (PAN holders). Paid refund received during the financial year. Form 26AS will be prepared only with respect to Financial Year 05-06 onwards. To view the Form26AS , log-in to and click on ‘View Tax Credit Statement (From 26AS)’  in ‘My Account’. Read more about Form 26AS  @

ATG - more about Forms and Form Handlers

An ATG form is defined by the dsp:form tag, which typically encloses DSP tags that specify form elements, such as dsp:input that provide direct access to Nucleus component properties. Find below a sample dsp:form tag.    <dsp:form action="/testPages/showPersonProperties.jsp" method="post" target="_top">      <p>Name: <dsp:input bean="/samples/" type="text"/>      <p>Age: <dsp:input bean="/samples/Person.age" type="text" value="30"/>      <p><dsp:input type="submit" bean="/samples/Person.submit"/> value="Click to submit"/>    </dsp:form>   When the user submits the form, the /samples/ property is set to the value entered in the input field.Unlike standard HTML, which requires the name attribute for most input tags; the name attribute is optional for DSP form element tags. If an input tag omits the n...

JBoss - how to take thread dumps

Following are the different options in JBoss to take the thread dump. 1. Using JBoss jmx-console :    Got to http://localhost:8080/jmx-console  and search for the mbean " serverInfo " and click on that link. Click the  invoke mbean operation under listThreaddump() method. This will give you the current snapshot of threads which are running in your JBoss jvm. 2. By using twiddle :   In the commnad promt go to <JBOSS-HOME>/bin and run the command  twiddle.bat invoke "jboss.system:type=ServerInfo" listThreadDump > threadDump.html  and you could find the threadDump.html with the JBoss thread dump. 3. Using "Interrupt" signal :  Use kill -3 <process-id> to generate thread dump. You will find the thread dumps in server logs.

ATG Search architectural flow : Search and Index

I would like to explain the high level ATG Search implementation architecture ( for an online store) through the above diagram. In this diagram 1.x denotes the search functionality and 2.x denotes the indexing functionality. I have given JBoss as the application server. Physical Boxes and Application Servers in the diagram ( as recommended by ATG )  : Estore ( Commerce ) Box --> The box with the estore/site ear (with the site JSPs and Java codes). Search Engine Box --> The box with the search engine application running. Indexing Engine Box --> The box with the indexing engine application running. CA (Content Administration) Box --> The box with the ATG CA ear ( where we could take CA -BCC - Search Administration and configure the search projects) . Search Indexer Box --> The box with the ATG Search Index ear ( to fetch the index data from repository). Note that the engine performing indexing will need access ...