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ATG Search - performance decisions in Enterprise search

Read more about the basic design decisions for a commerce search setup @

Read more about search engine tuning @

Following items will affect search performance:  number of items to be searched, quantity of content for each item, number of meta tags, number of facets, Search Merchandising settings, constraints, number of returned results,... You could find a detailed analysis below :

1. Decide how many search engines you need : Based on the performance requirement of the ecommerce site, create the Search Project @ BCC - Search Admin and add the search engine hosts. Read more about search project creation and search engine host set up @

2. Decide the search indexing properties : Search indexing time and search response time are dependent on the index file size. As part of verification process, the irrelevant attributes from search index definition file should be removed. As a result, users will view relevant results with less number of attributes and also will get improvements in search indexing time.

3. Decide how many search projects you need : If your application is a multi locale application, you could create multiple search project for each locale. This will give you more options for each locale and a separate search engine can support a locale. Read more about search project creation @

4. Decide whether you need to do parallel search indexing : If you have multiple search projects, you could do parallel search indexing and improve search indexing performnace.

5. One search engine per box : Search engines should always run on their own machine, with no other applications running.  This is critical for machines responding to search queries to ensure proper and consistent user experience.

6. Indexing engine box : The search engine used for indexing should not be run on the same server as an engine used for query response.  The search engine used for indexing is preferred to be run on its own machine (with no other applications), but can be run on the CA/BCC.  If this is done, the CA machines should be deployed with extra power (CPU speed and cores, RAM) so that indexing does not affect BCC user experience.


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