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ATG DUST: How to invoke OOB Droplets

ATG DUST(Dynamo Unit and System Tests) is a framework for building JUnit tests for applications built on the ATG Dynamo platform. This framework allows one to quickly write test code that depends up Nucleus or ATG Repositories.

You can download the latest version of ATG DUST from It provides both both src and lib files.

To write an ATG JUNIT testcase to invoke an existing OOB Droplet, follow the following steps :

  1. Create an Eclipse project with the downloaded src and lib files.
  2. Give class path to the follwing files : <ATG_Folder>\das\lib\classes.jar , <ATG_Folder>\dps\lib\classes.jar  and <ATG_Folder>\das\lib\resources.jar ,  <ATG_Folder>\dps\lib\resources.jar
  3. Create an environment variable DUST_HOME and point it to your ATG junit folder, for example: D:\SonyTools\Atg_DUST_JUnitTest\java
  4. To compile the ATG DUST for ATG 2007 version, edit the downloaded DUST java src file atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils to correct the imports; and;
  5. Create a folder named “licenseconfig” under DUST_HOME and copy the ATG License files from <ATG_Folder>\home\localconfig\ to this new licenseconfig folder.
  6. Create your test java file, for example find below the to do the unit testing of the OOB droplets : /atg/dynamo/droplet/Switch  and /atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach.
  7. Create a folder named \data\DropletInvokerTest\config\  in the  <DUST_HOME>\src folder if your test file is
  8. After doing the build, execute your code by invoking Run as JUNIT Test from Eclipse.

     package com.mycompany.test;

     import java.util.HashMap;
     import java.util.List;

     import javax.servlet.ServletException;

     import atg.droplet.DropletInvoker;
     import atg.droplet.DropletInvoker.DropletResult;
     import atg.droplet.DropletInvoker.RenderedOutputParameter;
     import atg.nucleus.Nucleus;
     import atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils;
     import atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest;
     import atg.servlet.ServletUtil;
     import atg.test.AtgDustCase;

     public class DropletInvokerTest extends AtgDustCase {
Nucleus mNucleus;
* Start up Nucleus with Initial services
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
 mNucleus = NucleusTestUtils.startNucleusWithModules(
new String[] {"DAS","DafEar"}, this.getClass(),
* Shut down Nucleus
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (mNucleus != null) {
  mNucleus = null;
/** Test the DropletInvoker */
public void testInvoker() throws ServletException, IOException {
public void doTestSwitch() throws ServletException, IOException {
 DropletInvoker invoker = new DropletInvoker(mNucleus);
 DynamoHttpServletRequest request = invoker.getRequest();
 DropletResult result = null;
 request.setParameter("value", "foo");
 result = invoker.invokeDroplet("/atg/dynamo/droplet/Switch");
 assertNotNull("Make sure that foo got rendered",result.getRenderedOutputParameter("foo"));
 System.out.println("result.getRenderedOutputParameter(foo)-->"+ result.getRenderedOutputParameter("foo"));
public void doTestFor() throws ServletException, IOException {
 DropletInvoker invoker = new DropletInvoker(mNucleus);
 DynamoHttpServletRequest request = invoker.getRequest();
 DropletResult result = null;
 String[] strings = new String[] { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };
 HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>();
 params.put("array", strings);
 result = invoker.invokeDroplet("/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach", params);
 assertNotNull("Make sure output got rendered at least once",result.getRenderedOutputParameter("output", false));
 List<RenderedOutputParameter> listOutputs = result.getRenderedOutputParametersByName("output");
 assertEquals("Make sure output was rendered 5 times",5, listOutputs.size());
 for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
   RenderedOutputParameter oparam = listOutputs.get(i);
   assertEquals("Should be the same as from the list ", oparam, result.getRenderedOutputParameter("output", i));
   System.out.println(" result.getRenderedOutputParameter(output, i)-->"+ result.getRenderedOutputParameter("output", i));
   assertEquals("Element should be our string", strings[i], (String)oparam.getFrameParameter("element"));
   System.out.println("(String)oparam.getFrameParameter(element)-->"+ (String)oparam.getFrameParameter("element"));


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. how to mock request and response for a formhandler in ATG Dust? Please explain


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