InstaSearch is an Eclipse plug-in for performing quick and advanced search of workspace files. This will index the files and when you search for some file contents, it will look with in this index and the search results will be faster, just like the Goolge instant search. It uses Lucene ( ) for indexing and fast searching of files in the workspace. Each search result file then can be previewed using few most matching and relevant lines. A double-click on the match leads to the matching line in the file.
Main Features
- Instantly shows search results
- Shows a preview using relevant lines
- Periodically updates the index
- Matches partial words (e.g. case in CamelCase)
- Opens and highlights matches in files
- Searches JAR source attachments
- Supports filtering by extension/project/working set
Download / Installation
In Eclipse Helios (3.6) please install using the Eclipse Marketplace from the Help menu
Alternatively you can install using the update site
Java 1.6 or newer is required. It is suing the below TimeUnit.Hours, which is available only @ Java 6
Search Tips( check )
- If you search the text “MyTestJava”,it will look for My*, My*Java, Test*Java, Java* in files
- If you search the text “mytestjava”,it will look for mytestjava in files
- Wildcard searches Eg: app* initialize
- Excluding words Eg: application -initialize
- Limit by location – directory, projects or working set Eg: proj:MyProject,OtherProject application init
- Limit by filename, extension or modification time Eg: name:app* ext:java,xml,txt modified:yesterday
- Search by file name initials (e.g. FOS to find Eg: name:FOS
- If you are looking for term “index” in “java” files with file name starting with “SearchFacet”, use: index name:SearchFacet* ext:java
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