Here I am listing some erroneous cases that might occur in your web development phase, due to some size restrictions. JSP file size limit : You might get some run time exceptions that the JSP file size limit exceeds. Please find below the reason : In JVM the size of a single JAVA method is limited to 64kb. When the jsp file is converted to Servlet, if the jspservice method's size exceeds the 64kb limit, this exception will occur. Keep in mind that this exception depends on the implementation of the JSP translator, means the same JSP code may give an exception in Tomcat and may run successfully in Weblogic due to the the difference in the logic to built the Servlet methods from JSP. The best way to omit this issue is by using dynamic include.For example, if you are using <%@ include file="sample.jsp" %> (static include), replace this to ...
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